Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Creative Way to sell homes

Creative Way to sell homes

If you know anybody who is having trouble selling their home you might recommend one of these creative solutions.

1. Trade White Elephants.

This writer has completed many real estate trades both as a real estate agent (see uncledaves site example and as an investor. Sometimes trading will complete transactions that cannot otherwise be accomplished. For example if you won a small home and want to an area of higher priced homes the sellers of those homes might take property just to make a sale.

You don’t always have to trade up either. According to a lot of people are exchanging high-end properties as a means to get their equity out of properties that have watched the values in their neighborhood fall through the floor

2. Offer owner-carry financing

Car dealers and home builders have realized that people are more concerned about down payments and monthly payments than the purchase price. By offering creative front-end benefits, buyers will usually just pay full price.

If you are having trouble selling a home, you might get top-dollar by becoming the buyer’s lender. That way you can lower the down payment or the monthly payment enough to make the difference whether your home sells or not. Simon Volkov also likes this idea.

3. Auctions

human psychology can be strange. This writer has purchased several properties at auction. One of them off of eBay. The odd thing is I have seen many examples of people paying more for a property at auction than they would have to pay on the open market. This usually happens at government auctions such as FHA. As far as the private sector is concerned one of the bigger auction houses is REDC A good site to get information is

4 Bury a statue

If all else fails the owner can adopt a creative idea that involves religion. There are those who think that burying a statue of St. Joseph on the property assures the seller will have good luck. This idea was very popular a couple of years ago and there were several success stories. You might enjoy this article about the concept.

Selling a home can be difficult even in more prosperous times, but with all of the economic problems we have been experiencing lately some creativity might be in order. Don’t forget to tell your friends about trading, owner-carry financing, auctions and burying statues of Saints.

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